Buzz results for the tag “Global Good”


This week’s Behind the Breakthrough profiles Dr. David Bell, IV’s Portfolio Lead in Global Health Technology. Read More

Media Coverage

IV founder and CEO Nathan Myhrvold sat down with CNN's Fareed Zakaria to discuss “innovation in action” and the evolution of the Arktek, the passive vaccine storage device invented at IV.

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Today we’re highlighting Shannon Kuyper, a research program manager at the Intellectual Ventures Laboratory. Shannon’s science roots combined with her business training gives her a unique perspective on the shared challenges and opportunities for many of the lab’s projects. Read More


Ebola’s Grim Reminder

March 18, 2015

Intellectual Ventures' CEO Nathan Myhrvold on IV's recent work on a number of outbreak- related projects to help combat Ebola. Read More

Media Coverage

Co.Exist investigates the challenges of milk production in the developing world and how the Mazzi container is helping small-scale dairly farmers improve milk quality and earn higher incomes.

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